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House Cleaners in Los Angeles

House Cleaners in Los Angeles



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At HouseClean Los Angeles - Maid and House Cleaning Service our mission is to provide the best house cleaning services available to Los Angeles residents. We provide a customizable and personalized house cleaning experience so we can ensure your home is adequately cleaned to fit your needs. Importantly, this process is performed with the top cleaning products available. To ensure full satisfaction, we proudly provide exceptional customer service via our experienced cleaning professionals, reasonable prices, and customer-friendly culture.

Our hourly cleaning service provides a fair and accurate approach to pricing that benefits both the customer and your cleaner. Unlike by-the-job pricing, which may not take into account the specific needs and requirements of each cleaning task, our hourly pricing model ensures that the cleaner is compensated fairly for the time spent on each job. This means that customers only pay for the exact amount of time spent cleaning, rather than an estimate based on the size of the job or the number of rooms. Additionally, our hourly cleaning service allows for greater flexibility and customization, as customers can decide which tasks they want the cleaner to focus on during the allotted time. Overall, our hourly cleaning service provides a transparent and efficient pricing system that benefits both the customer and the cleaner.

One component that sets us apart from other cleaning companies is our commitment to only hire reliable cleaning professionals who are employees of our company. To become an employee, it requires cleaners to be professionally trained, background checked, and quality checked. By using employees rather than independent contractors, we are able to provide a more reliable and consistent service to our clients.

We recognize that letting strangers into your home can be an uneasy experience, which is why we take the necessary steps to ensure our clients' safety and peace of mind. All of our cleaning professionals undergo thorough background checks, including criminal record checks and reference checks, to ensure that they have a clean history and can be trusted to provide a high level of service. Our cleaning professionals are fully trained, insured, and receive regular support and supervision from our management team. This superversion includes regular quality checks to ensure that our cleaning professionals are meeting our high standards of excellence. We believe that by employing our cleaning professionals directly, we can better monitor their performance and hold them accountable for providing outstanding service.

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